Si vous ne fumez pas, ne vapez pas
Si vous ne fumez pas, ne vapez pas
Ten years after their creation, two iconic e-liquids turn into one. On one side, the refreshing, bewitching notes of Heisenberg; on the other, the fruity power of Pinkman. Let yourself be carried away by this summit meeting, with an e-liquid that perfectly combines singularity and intensity. Get ready: the one who knocks is here, and it has a name… the Purple Craze from Vampire Vape.
Enjoy the meeting of two must-haves with Vampire Vape's ready-to-boost Purple Craze 50 ml e-liquid. This unique blend fuses the refreshing, aniseed notes of Heisenberg with the sublime fruity cocktail of Pinkman for an outstanding vape experience.
Made in the UK from quality ingredients, Purple Craze has a PG/VG ratio of 50/50, offering a perfect balance between flavour restitution and vapour production.
Purple Craze 50 ml e-liquid is packaged in a 60 ml bottle, allowing you to add a nicotine booster (not included) directly into the bottle. Thanks to its boosted flavours, Purple Craze retains all its aromatic power, even after boosters have been added. To adjust the nicotine level to your preference:
If you prefer to vape without nicotine, you can enjoy Purple Craze as it is or dilute it with a PG/VG base.
Please note: to avoid diluting the flavours of your e-liquid too much, we recommend adding no more than two boosters or 20 ml of base.